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Chicago Daily Journal, June 19, 1851
The subscribers having formed a Co-Partnership
for the purpose of carrying on the above business
in all its branches, would respectfully announce to
the citizens of Chicago and vicinity, that they are
now manufacturing and will keep constantly on
hand, an assortment of Coffins, of every style and
finish together with Shrouds, &c., and are prepared
with an elegant hearse to attend Funerals, and will
be ready to discharge any, and everything connected
with their business, at all hours of the day or night
with promptness and courtesy.
The subscribers would hope, that their united
experience in the different branches of the business,
and by strict and continued attention to the wants
of the community, to be able to give general satisfac-
tion, and receive a share of public patronage.
Chicago, mch1-6md W.T. WOODSON & CO. |
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Chicago Daily Journal, July 19, 1851
Andrew McClure & Co.,
(Successors to A.S. Bates.)
The subscribers having formed a co-partnership
for the purpose of carrying on the above business
in all its branches, have purchased the entire estab-
lishment of Mr. A.S. Bates so long and favorably
known in this community, and will continue the
business at the old stand formerly occupied by him,
No. 88 LaSalle street.
The subscribers will have on hand at all times, Cof-
fins and Shrouds of every style and finish, and will
be prepared with a hearse and everything that is sui-
table and requisite for such occasions, to attend fu-
nerals, and may be found on hand and ready to give
prompt attention to their business at all hours.
They have exclusive control of the Chapel and
Vault recently erected by Mr. Bates, in the Chicago
Cemetery, and all applications for the use of the same
should be made to them.
The subscribers hope that by devoting their efforts
to the business, they may be enabled to secure the
continuance of the public patronage heretofore ex-
tended to Mr. Bates, and to give satisfaction to all
who may employ them.
The firm will do business for the present at No. 16
LaSalle street, until their new buildings are complet-
ed, which are being erected at the old stand, No. 88.
NOTICE - The undersigned having determined to
retire from the business of undertaking has sold
his entire establishment to Messrs. ANDREW MC
CLURE & CO, who will continue the business at the
old stand formerly occupied by him. He takes this
occasion to express his acknowledgments to the pub
lic for the liberal share of patronage which has been
bestowed on him, and to recommend to them his
successors in the same business as persons of experi-
ence character and responsibility, and in every way
fitted to give satisfaction to those who may employ
them. A.S. BATES.
Chicago, July 3, 1851
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Chicago Daily Journal, October 7, 1851
Fisk's Patent Metalic Burial Cases.
The subscribers would announce to the citizens of
Chicago, that they have received a large assort-
ment of "Fisk's" Patent Metallic, Burial Cases, air-
tight and indistructable - for protecting and preserv-
ing the dead - for ordinary interment - for vaults -
for transportation, or for any other ordinary purpose
- which they keep for sale at 232 Lake street, and are
now supplied with all sizes.
Washington, April 5th, 1851.
Messrs. Fisk & Raymond, - We witnessed the util-
ity of your Ornamental "Patent Metalic Burial Cas-
es," used to convey the remains of the late Hon Jno.
C. Calhoun to the Congressional Cemetery, which
impressed us with the belief that it is the best article
known to us for preserving and transporting the
dead to their final resting place.
With respect, we subscribe ourselves, yours, &c.
R. Clay, Daniel Webster,
Lewis Cass, J.M. Berrien,
D.S. Dickinson, Jeff. Davis
J.W. Mason, W.R. King
D.R. Atchinson, Henry Dodge
A.C. Green, W.P. Mangum
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Chicago Daily Journal, August 18, 1851
Fisk's Patent Metalic Burial Cases
The attention of the citizens in Chicago and the
surrounding country, is respectfully called to
these new, beautiful and truly valuable cases, for
protecting and preserving the dead, for ordinary in-
terment, for vaults, for transportation or for any oth-
er desirable purpose and by means of which, bodies
after death can be preserved from decomposition for
a great length of time, without change of color or
These cases though but lately introduced in the
eastern cities, have been admired and approved by
all who have examined them or tested their utility,
and are rapidly coming into general use, as may be
seen by copies of letters and certificates now in the
hands of Messrs. Woodson & Bates, who have been
appointed sole agents for the sale of these cases in
the city of Chicago and the surrounding country. A
supply of all the different sizes of these cases will be
kept constantly on hand, and for sale at the ware-
room of W.T. Woodson & Co., City Undertakers,
No. 232 Lake st., where the public are respectrully
invited to call and examine them.
Chicago, May 29, 1851 - d6m |
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Chicago Daily Tribune, November 2, 1853
Sexton and General Undertakers,
No. 232 Lake St. Chicago,
Would respectfully inform the Public that they keep
constantly on hand every description of Coffins,
Shrouds, Caps, &c., and also “FISK’S PATENT METALLIC
BURIAL CASES,” both of plain and ornamental finish.
Hearse, Carriages, and every requisite for funerals, fur-
nished at the shortest notice, and all calls promptly attended
to, day or night.
The subscribers flatter themselves, that they will, in this
new connexion, and union of experienced, west and east,
(Mr. Davis having, until now, been engaged in the business
in New York) be able to give full satisfaction to all who may
favor them with a call.
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Chicago Daily Tribune, June 12, 1855
James R. Fisher
Sexton and Undertaker,
No. 134 Clark St., Near Cor. Madison.
Has located permanently in this city for the purpose of
engaging in the Undertaking business in all Its branches.
He has the exclusive Agency for retailing in this city.
These cases are highly ornamental and classic in form,
enameled inside and out, so as to be impervious to air, and inde-
structable, and their superior advantages for ordinary inter-
ment, for preserving and removing the dead, &c., is fully at-
tested by their general adoption in the East, and the favora-
ble notice which they have received since their introduction
into the West. He also keeps on hand plain and Covered
Rosewood Mahogany Black Walnut and other woods.
COFFINS of every style and finish, with suitable Silver and
Silver plated Mountings, name plates and handles. Also, Silk
Flannel, Merino and Cambric.
SHROUDS - Undersleeves, Bosoms, &c., in fact, every thing
requisite for Funerals.
HEARSES AND CARRIAGES furnished, and all calls
promptly attended to by day or night.
A. & R. McClure,
City Sextons.
At the Old Stand of A.S. Bates.
The subscriber having associated with himself ROBERT
McCLURE, begs to inform the public that he continues to
carry on the above business at his old Stand, 88 La Salle st.
The subscribers will have on hand at all times, Coffins, and
Shrouds of every style and finish, and will be prepared with
Hearses, and everything that is suitable and requisite for such
occasions, to attend funerals, and may be found on hand and
ready to give prompt attention to their business at all hours.
They have exclusive control of the Chapel and Vault in the
Chicago Cemetery, and all applications for the use of the same
should be made to them.
The subscribers hope that by devoting their efforts to the
business, they may be able to secure a continuance of the pub-
lic patronage heretofore extended to Mr. Andrew McClure, and
to give satisfaction to all who may employ them.
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Chicago Daily Tribune, January 7, 1856
James R. Fisher,
134 South Clark street, near Madison,
“Fisk’s patent Metallic Burial Cases, Wood Coffins
of every description. A general assortment of Shrouds, &c.
Attends funerals in person, with superior Hearses and Car-
riages; keeps a vault in the cemetery, and attends to all
calls promptly, by day or night.
Sextons and Undertakers,
No. 88. La Salle Street,
style and finish, Wood, Lead, and Zinc Coffins; also
shrouds. And are prepared with Horses and Carriages, and
every thing requisite for Funerals; and may be found on
hand, and ready to give prompt attention to their business at
all hours.
They also have a Chapel and Vault in the Cemetery.
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Chicago Daily Tribune, August 18, 1856
And sextons, No. 224 Washington street,
Between Franklin and Market streets, having
purchased the entire stock and interest of W.T.
Woodson in the above business, would respectfully inform
the citizens of Chicago that they keep constantly on hand the
largest and best assortment of Coffins, Plates, Shrouds, Caps,
&c., in the city, and are prepared at all times to furnish
Lead, Zinc, Mahogany, Black Walnut, Cherry, Plain or Com-
mon Coffins. Hearses and Carriages, and attend Funerals,
and discharge any and every thing pertaining to the busi-
ness, at all hours. One of them having had an experience
of twelve years in the business in the east, the public may
be assured that their wants will be promptly and properly
attended to, and no pains or attention spared to give full sat-
isfaction to all. Having a receiving Vault of our own, bodies
can be deposited therefore at uniform and reasonable charges.
(These last two ads are identical the ads, above, and continued to run in the Chicago Daily Tribune through 1858.) |