The installation in Lincoln Park consists of six traditional historical signpost markers. Each marker references an element of the Chicago City Cemetery containing a "hidden truth."

(Rollover the dots on the map on the right to reveal the locations. Clicking on the dots will lead to that location's section in this Web Site. Scroll down to see photographs of the installation.)

Chicago City Cemetery
- many bones remain below the park soil

Lincoln Park
- the early city and park records reveal a complex transition

Potter's Field
- thousands were buried here, in addition to nearly 4000 confederate soldiers during the Civil War
- Chicago's first Jewish cemetery abutted the northern boundary
- baseball diamonds have occupied the grounds since 1877
- there are likely many forgotten remains below the playing fields

Catholic Cemetery
-located south of North Avenue, excavations continue to reveal human remains

Couch Tomb
- it has always been unclear as to why this tomb remains
- no one seems to know the number or identities of the individuals interred within

David Kennison Boulder
- the man, the legend, the boulder - hidden truths abound
City Cemetery <Lincoln Park> <Couch Tomb> <Potter's Field> <Catholic Cemetery>